Information for Parents

EHCP Applications, Assessments, Appeals, Tribunal Representation and Support for Parents/Carers


What is an EHCP?

An EHCP (Education, Health & Care Plan) is a legal document produced by Local Authorities that is designed to define the educational, health care, and social care needs of a child or young person (if over 16 years) where extra support is needed.

In many cases, the support a child needs according to their EHCP will be beyond what their school can currently provide.

A child/young person with an EHCP will usually be entitled to extra one to one (1:1) support in school, such as a Teaching Assistant (T/A)/Learning Support Assistant (LSA).  Additionally, they will receive extra therapies such as Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech & Language Therapy (SLT), Physiotherapy and Counselling/Pastoral Support.

An EHCP defines what extra support a child/young person needs and is the gateway to making that support happen.

For thousands of parents across the UK, navigating the EHCP process can be tricky or overwhelming; that is where SEN Rights come in.  At SEN Rights I support and guide parents/carers of children/young people when it comes to all EHCP services.  Whilst operating an an Advocate, and not under the framework of a Solicitor, I provide a cost-efficient option to parents/carers, whilst maintaining a professional service in the best interest of your child .

EHCP Application and Assessment Services

As a SEN Advocate, with a comprehensive background in EHCPs and SEN consultancy, I can offer you full support in the EHCP application and assessment process.

Parents/Carers can contact their Local Authority and ask for an Education, Health & Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) for their child/young person.  At this point, the Local Authority will review all evidence at a Panel meeting and will then make a decision whether to assess or not.

For many parents/carers this process can be complicated and stressful – as we always want the best results for our children.

I offer my expertise to try and ensure every parent’s EHCP application is thorough, completed accurately, and has the best chance of getting their child the valued support they need.

EHCP Appeal, Tribunal and Parental Support Services

When a child/young person is granted extra support through an EHCP, their case will be reviewed on a yearly basis by the Local Authority (called an Annual Review meeting).  This Annual Review meeting will be attended by parent(s), the school, the child/young person and any other external agency involved in the child’s/young person’s education (ie. SLT/OT).  These Annual Review meetings determine whether changes need to be made to the structure of an EHCP and what support needs adding or taking away to that currently in place.

Sometimes parents believe the changes proposed, or lack of changes proposed, at the Annual Review meeting are not in the best interest of the child.  At SEN Rights, I offer EHCP support for parents with any questions about the wider process, as well as specific services for navigating the EHCP appeal Tribunal process.

Contact Me

SEN Rights is based in Bath, Somerset.  However, I offer help and support to parents across England and Wales.  So, if you need of a competent SEN/EHCP Advocate, please get in touch today.

Assessment of your current EHCP

What if you already have an EHCP?  This needs to be scrutinised to try and ensure the provision is clear, specific, detailed and quantified?  Does it fully describe your child’s needs?  Does it contain all the provision your child needs to progress?  If not, then you may find it difficult to ensure your child gets the education he/she really requires, especially as the demands of the curriculum increases yearly.

I can check your EHCP and advise on its effectiveness and provide you with advice on how to get changes made to your child’s EHCP and, if necessary, prepare and represent you at Tribunal appeals.


Refusal to Assess/Refusal to Issue


What if you have made the application but the Local Authority has refused to assess or refused to issue?  I can advise on the next steps and prepare your case for Tribunal appeal.


As a parent/carer or young person, you can appeal against the Local Authorities decision on the following:

If you find yourself in any of the above situations I can advise you regarding the best course of action and whether I deem it in your best interest to appeal the Local Authority’s decision. 

If you decide to appeal through SEN Rights , I will then prepare your appeal, conduct negotiations with the Local Authority and represent at Tribunal.  I hope that during the negotiation process the Local Authority will concede, however, this cannot be guaranteed. 

The benefit of instructing me to act is that I will be solely responsible for your case from start to finish; therefore, you should feel safe in the knowledge that if your case does go to Tribunal I will have a thorough knowledge of your case.