Local Authorities

Local Authority (LA) Services Provided


I have extensive experience working in both SEN Departments and Legal Departments of Local Authorities (LAs) dealing with SEN legal issues.

When working for Local Authorities I operate as a Solicitor and hold a legal practising certificate in England & Wales; I am regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA no. 919). 



 £150 per hour (negotiable depending on your requirements).


Upskilling and Training of SEN Officers

Do you want to your SEN Officers to prepare and undertake tribunals without the need to outsource?  I am available to train and mentor staff, so they have the skills to prepare cases and represent Local Authorities at SEND/SENTW Tribunals.


Case Preparation and Tribunal Representation

Are you struggling to stay on top of your cases going to SEND/SENTW Tribunal?  I can prepare cases and undertake the advocacy/representation at Tribunal.